Egzamination hours:
Mon-Fri: 08:00-15:00

Al. Powstańców Wlkp. 20,
70-110 Szczecin, Poland

+48 91 441 44 90


Ordinance No. 156/2021

of the Rector of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin
of 19 November 2021 on introducing the Terms and Conditions
for Conducting Examinations at the Test Examinations Centre
of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin

Pursuant to Article 23 section 1 and section 3 of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668, as amended), I hereby order as follows:



I hereby introduce the Terms and Conditions for Conducting Examinations at the Test Examinations Centre of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, which constitute an appendix to this Ordinance.



  1. The Ordinance No. 107/2019 of the Rector of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin of 26 September 2019 on introducing Terms and Conditions for Conducting Examinations at the Test Examinations Centre of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin is hereby repealed.
  2. The Ordinance shall become binding on the day of signature.


Prof. Bogusław Machaliński, Ph.D.
Rector of the PMU



  1. Terms and Conditions for Conducting Examinations at the Test Examinations Centre of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions,” apply to all Examinations organised in electronic form by the Test Examinations Centre of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin.
  2. The Pomeranian Medical University Study Regulations is a document superior to the Terms and Conditions for Conducting Examinations at the Test Examinations Centre of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin.



The following terms used in the Terms and Conditions shall be construed as follows:
PMU - Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin.
TEC - Test Examinations Centre of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin.
LMS Moodle Platform - an electronic LMS Moodle Examination platform used by the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin for the purpose of education and conducting Examinations in the form of tests in the taught subjects.
User - a person granted access to the LMS Moodle platform,
Unit - a scientific and didactic unit of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin or an external entity cooperating with PMU,
Examiner - an academic teacher appointed by a head of a unit or a course Coordinator to conduct an Examination,
Examination Personnel - a member of the TEC personnel authorised by the TEC Manager to supervise the proper conduct of the Examination in respect of the organisation and to provide technical and IT support for the LMS Moodle Platform and IT infrastructure,
Coordinator - a TEC employee responsible for the preparation and evaluation of Examinations conducted at the TEC, as well as for comprehensive management of a given Examination and contacting the unit which organises the Examination,
Supervisor - a person employed in the entity conducting the Examination who is delegated to attend the Examination and who is responsible for ensuring that the Examination is properly conducted,
Student - a person admitted and taking an exam who has access to the ProAkademia system.
Examination - the process of verification of the learning outcomes achieved by Students, conducted in an electronic form by means of tests on the LMS Moodle Platform,
Position - a place marked with an individual number, equipped with a chair, a table and a desktop computer which is properly configured and connected to the IT infrastructure.
Examination Room - a room appropriately equipped with IT infrastructure and workstations in order to conduct electronic Examinations via the LMS Moodle Platform situated at the TEC premises, in the building of the PMU Main Library at al. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 20 in Szczecin.



  1. The following Users shall be authorised to use the LMS Moodle platform:
    • PMU academic teachers and other persons conducting classes with PUM Students,
    • PMU Students,
    • other persons on the basis of the decision of the Vice-President for Didactics.
  2. Access to the LMS Moodle Platform is provided only at the TEC premises on the dedicated IT network of PMU, without access to the Internet. Remote access to the LMS Moodle Platform shall be permitted under the rules defined in a separate ordinance.
  3. The LMS Moodle platform is available on a scheduled basis as a result of Examination Room bookings, subject to the right to temporary activations due to failure, maintenance, upgrades or technical requirements.
  4. Platform User shall have the right to use the educational resources they have been provided with, but must not allow or facilitate access by unauthorised persons.
  5. The Platform User shall be obliged to become acquainted with and comply with the regulations governing the operation of the LMS Moodle Platform, personal data protection, security and privacy.
  6. The use of the Platform in a manner violating its purpose, violating its law, the good name of PMU or the dignity of its Users shall be strictly prohibited.



  1. In order to use the LMS Moodle platform, the User receives a login and a password to access this platform. The login and password are assigned to one User only. Disclosing the received logins and passwords to third parties shall be prohibited.
  2. The User shall have the right to change the password received from their User profile on the LMS Moodle Platform. In case the password is forgotten, it can be reset.



  1. In order to conduct the Examination using the LMS Moodle Platform, it provides an Examination Room equipped with 67 Examination desks (a maximum of 65 Examination desks plus 2 additional desks).
  2. The number of Positions in the Examination Room may be subject to change. Current information on the number of Examination Positions is available on the TEC website.
  3. In the event that the change in the number of Examination Positions makes it impossible for all the persons who have registered to take the Examination at the same time, the Examination may be conducted in several rounds or in multiple Examination Rooms.
  4. Reservation of an Examination Room for an Examination is made by the Examiner by sending a reservation form through the website https:/ Any changes to a date that has already been booked shall be notified by the Examiner via email to: at the latest 7 working days prior to the scheduled Examination. This time limit may be shortened in exceptional cases subject to the approval of the TEC Manager.
  5. TEC creates Examination sessions on the LMS Moodle platform on the basis of the material referred to in §6 section 2 and the submitted sets of questions. All arrangements with respect to the parameters of the Examination to be conducted are determined by the Examiner, which is reflected on the appointment booking form. Changes to these parameters are made only per the express order of the Examiner, notified at least 24 hours prior to the planned Examination.
  6. A booking is not considered valid until it has been confirmed by TEC. Confirmation of the booking shall be issued by e-mail to the address provided on the booking form within a maximum of 3 working days.
  7. Further correspondence with TEC related to the examination materials, parameters and students lists is conducted via email address delivered during the reservation process.
  8. The booking status of the Examination Room is visible in the Booking Calendar available at the TEC website
  9. The Examination Room may be subject to temporary exclusions due to breakdown, maintenance, updating, technical issues or sanitary requirements.



  1. The Examiner shall be responsible for the contents of the Examination and its proper conduct in accordance with the Study Regulations.
  2. The Examiner shall prepare the Examination in a form complying with the requirements for uniformity of format, font size and in accordance with the template defined in Appendix 1 to the Terms and Conditions.
  3. The completed set of questions must be submitted to TEC at least 6 working days before the scheduled Examination date as an encrypted WORD editable file.
  4. Any corrections to the set of questions submitted to TEC can be submitted at least 3 working days before the scheduled Examination date.
  5. In the event that the set of questions is not provided 2 working days before the scheduled Examination date, TEC reserves the right to cancel the Examination date booking.
  6. The responsibility for the creation, submission to TEC and verification of the Examination lies with the Examiner.
  7. In the event that the Examination is conducted in several rounds or Examination Rooms, the Examiner shall have the right to prepare different sets of questions for Students writing in successive rounds or in other Examination Rooms. 



  1. The Examiner shall ensure an adequate number of Supervisors, with at least 1 Supervisor for every 35 persons taking the Examination.
  2. The Supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring the proper conduct of the Examination, supervising the Students during the Examination and supervising their movements in the Examination Room, cloakroom and corridors. He or she receives comments and reports from Students and takes action aimed to clarify them. He or she follows the instructions of the Examiner and the Examination Personnel.
  3. Examination Personnel shall be present in the TEC at least 30 minutes before the scheduled examination. Otherwise the Examination may not be conducted.
  4. Examination Personnel shall be required to supervise the proper conduct of the Examination in terms of the technical and IT operation of the LMS Moodle Platform and IT infrastructure. It ensures that the Examination takes place in accordance with the applicable Terms and Conditions and other rules. It assigns places in the room for the Supervisors.
  5. Examination Personnel have the right to refuse entry to the Examination Room to a Student who does not comply with the current regulations and Rules.



  1. The list of Students admitted to the Examination (including: first name + surname + album number) should be sent to TEC as soon as possible prior to the Examination.
  2. Verification of data and Student shall be carried out by the TEC through access to the ProAkademia system (virtual Faculty Office).



  1. On the scheduled Examination date, Students shall report to the TEC premises at least 20 minutes before the start of the Examination. 5 minutes before the start of the Examination, the entrance to the TEC is closed.
  2. Before taking the Examination, each Student shall be required to leave his or her belongings in the cloakroom in a locker. In particular, he or she is supposed to leave the items listed §12 section 5 in there. The locker is provided at a deposit of PLN 5.00.
  3. The attendance of Students is checked in front of the Examination Room on the basis of previously prepared lists of Students. Each Student shall be obliged to present his or her Student ID Card or other identity document with a photograph enabling his or her identification, and to present a completed epidemiological questionnaire in accordance with the rules specified in a separate ordinance.
  4. Entering the Examination Room before the Examiner or Examination Personnel has given permission to do so shall be prohibited.
  5. After entering the room, the Student must not leave it before the Examination begins.
  6. The Student occupies the Position appointed to him or her and waits for the Examination to begin as well as for further instructions from the Examiner or the Examination Personnel. Items which do not constitute property of the TEC or the Unit organising the Examination, as well as items listed in §12 items 4 and 5 shall not be present on the Position.
  7. Information regarding the technical parameters of the Examination and instructions for logging in to the Moodle LMS Platform are read out before the start of the Examination.
  8. The Student logs into the LMS Moodle Platform at his or her Station.
  9. After logging in, the Student selects the appropriate Examination and, by selecting the icon with the name and date of the Examination, begins solving it.
  10. During the Examination, the Examiner, Examination Personnel and Supervisors supervise the Examination. Students shall follow the instructions provided by these persons.
  11. Substantive (meritorical) remarks regarding Examination questions the Students reports only to the Examiner accordingly to the rules set by the Examiner. Examination Personnel is not authorized to provide any feedback concerning substantive remarks reported by the Students.
  12. Technical issues, questions, etc. that arise during the Examination are reported by the Student by raising his or her hand and, after the person referred to in section 9 has approached, he or she submits his or her comments. All remarks are recorded by the Examination Personnel.
    In the event of a computer equipment malfunction, the fault shall be immediately rectified, and if the malfunction prevents the Examination from continuing at a particular Position, depending on the time to the end of the test, the Student shall change the Position to the one indicated by the Examination Personnel or shall be moved to the next date.
  13. During the Examination (if it lasts longer than 60 minutes) the Student has the right to use the restroom. He or she shall inform the person referred to in section 9 about the need to use the restroom.
  14. A Student who has started an Examination but has reported a medical condition during the Examination shall be allowed to leave the room with an accompanying person, without interrupting the Examination. If the Student is able to continue the Examination upon returning to the room, they must finish the Examination within the remaining time (the Examination time shall not be extended).
  15. In case of any disruptions in the course of the Examination or other irregularities, the Examination Personnel prepares a memo and forwards it to the Examiner.
  16. When the Examination is over, the Student shall leave the Examination Room in a manner which does not disturb the other persons taking the Examination. In justified cases, the Examiner may request that the room may be left by the entire group only after all Students have finished the Examination. In such case, the Student shall be informed of this before the Examination begins, and after the completion of his or her Examination, he or she is obliged to remain quiet and not to disturb the order. The Student shall required to remain at his or her Position until he or she leaves the Examination Room.
  17. After taking their belongings from the cloakroom, the Student leaves the premises of the TEC. He or she may remain in the corridor of the building until the end of the Examination provided that he or she does so without disturbing the peace.



  1. The duration and assessment of the Examination shall be determined by the Examiner in accordance with the Study Regulations and the internal rules of the unit.
  2. During the Examination, each Student has the following rights:
    • to return to the question and to answer it,
    • to amend the previously provided answer.
  3. Minutes of the Examination are stored by the TEC personnel member.



  1. Modifying the IT system shall be strictly prohibited. It is particularly prohibited to modify the system, the system components as well as the software installed on computers, including also the installation of unauthorised software.
  2. It shall be prohibited to connect devices, including data carriers, to the computers located in the Examination Positions and to use their optical drives.
  3. It shall be prohibited to write down, copy, record or otherwise document the Examination questions.
  4. The carrying, storing consumption of meals and carbonated and non-carbonated beverages is strictly prohibited in the Examination Room, excluding water in closed containers.
  5. It shall be prohibited to bring the following items to the Examination Room:
    • outerwear, including jackets, coats, etc;
    • all electronic devices (except those used in the treatment of chronic diseases, such as blood glucose meters, personal insulin pumps or other drug pumps, CGM and FGM systems), in particular video and audio recorders, electronic notebooks, mobile phones, transmission devices, computers, microcomputers, storage media, radios, mp3 players, mp4 players, etc;
    • electronic and analogue watches;
    • bags, handbags, rucksacks and other luggage;
    • books, teaching aids, notes and notebooks, pads, sheets and stationery;
    • other items as determined by the Personnel responsible for conducting the Examination.
  6. The items mentioned in section 5 shall be left by the Student in the locker assigned to him or her in the cloakroom.
  7. While staying in the Examination Room, leaving the assigned Position arbitrarily, in particular to walk around the Examination Room, to approach other Positions and to disturb order shall be prohibited.
  8. Taking materials that were prepared for the Student at the desk before the Examination out of the Examination Room shall be prohibited.



  1. Students who have health problems that prevent them from working on a computer or a specific disability are entitled to take the Examination in written form. In the event of a wish to take the Examination in this form, please state the reasons for this to the Faculty Office and to the unit conducting the Examination one week prior to the Examination.
  2. While on the premises of the TEC, the Student is obliged to behave in a cultured manner that does not disturb the course of the Examination and to follow the instructions of the Examiner, the Examination Personnel and the Centre’s personnel.
  3. The Student shall comply with the Terms and Conditions.



  1. The Examination Room, as well as the remaining TEC premises, are subject to constant monitoring via cameras.
  2. The recording of the Examination is retained for a period of 3 months and may be selectively reviewed by the Supervisor and the Examiner.
  3. The rules for the processing of personal data from the monitoring referred to in sections 1 and 2 are contained in the information clause which constitute an appendix to these Terms and Conditions. This clause should be displayed on the entrance door to the Examination Room and the TEC rooms under monitoring.



The day-to-day administration of the LMS Moodle Platform and technical support for Users is entrusted to TEC and the PMU IT Department, within the scope of their powers and competences.



It is the responsibility of the Examination centre to archive the results of the Examinations carried out.



In matters not covered by these Terms and Conditions, decisions shall be made by the Examiner in consultation with the Examination Personnel.


Prof. Bogusław Machaliński, Ph.D.
Rector of the PMU


Test Examination



Pomeranian Medical University in Szczeci

Al. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 20,
70-110 Szczecin

phone: +48 91 441 44 90

Opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 07:30 - 15:30
Sat, Sun: Closed

Check the location on the map

ul. Rybacka 1, 70-204 Szczecin

tel. +48 91 48 00 700

Opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 07:30 - 15:30
Sat, Sun: Closed


Check the location on the map